On Sunday, January 23rd, 2022, at the ‘Defeat The Mandates’ Event in Washington, D.C., an estimated 40,000 men, women, and children marched from the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial.
The massive crowd sang along with music artists for three and a half hours, danced, cheered, and listened attentively. They heard the perspectives of highly esteemed scientists and doctors. They listened to the voices of courageous firefighters and police officers. They heard from lawyers, journalists, and a diverse range of religious leaders—Christians, Orthodox Jews, and the Nation of Islam.
It was a unifying and peaceful event without incident. And yet… by the time the sun rose the next day, mainstream media had begun its attack.
Their headlines were incendiary: "Proud Boys Return To D.C. – this time for massive anti-vaccine rally," shrieked Salon. "RFK Jr. Slammed for Invoking Anne Frank At Anti-Vax Mandate Rally," proclaimed The New York Post.
From the outset, countless news reports sought to denigrate the audience and the speakers they had come to see. They sought to distract their readers from recognizing that these were thoughtful and caring citizens representing every race, religion, and creed through polarizing language that described them as ill-willed, anti-science, selfish, germ-carrying, super-spreading, far-right, white supremacists and anti-Semites, who were potentially "violent" and could "threaten" Americans' way of life.
The goal of these articles was clear: To define a group of people that it's OK to hate.
If ABC Television's The View is any litmus test for the agenda of American media, then we need not look further than Joy Behar's depiction of rally attendees as "a mass movement of crazies telling us that putting a mask on your face is equivalent to being trapped in an attic for two or three years while the Nazis are running after you." Her co-host Whoopi Goldberg went as far as describing RFK Jr. and those who follow him as "holocaust deniers." Unfortunately for her, Whoopi was suspended from The View nearly one week later for her own description of the Holocaust.
Alongside my good friend Robert Kennedy Jr., I am also being targeted in these media hit pieces for making comparisons between the Covid pandemic and the Holocaust. I cannot and will not speak for RFK Jr., or for Whoopi for that matter, but as for my contribution to this discussion, I stand proudly and firmly in my conviction that it is imperative we remember the Holocaust as we seek to understand the events of the last two years of this Covid Pandemic.
Winston Churchill said, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Anne Frank wrote, "If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example." If there is any validity to either of these quotes, then surely the reason every citizen of the world should be well-versed in the undeniable atrocities of the Holocaust is not so that we can use it as a comparison after a similar atrocity has occurred, but rather that we keep the memory honed as a diagnostic tool designed to reveal the very first cancer cells of hatred and oppression before they metastasize in the body of humanity.
No one in the anti-mandate movement has ever compared wearing a mask to being locked in an attic or forced into concentration camps, as much as the media would like to pretend. Similarly, I am not aware of a single Holocaust survivor that has ever said that the first day of the Holocaust occurred when the first Jewish citizen was put on a train car to Auschwitz.
Thus, if the Holocaust does not begin with people being loaded on boxcars, the point can and should be made that the Holocaust begins somewhere much earlier. Most history books point to the then-German government slowly taking away the rights of the Jews and the tiny incremental increases in the use of the press to promote demeaning language towards the Jews.
If the end stages of the Holocaust are not the totality of the Holocaust, then references to the Holocaust can and must include these earlier milestones. If the memory of the Holocaust is to be an example to avoid further human tragedies, as hoped by Anne Frank, rhetoric, laws, censorship, etc., that lead to demonizing a group of people must be called out in the name of the Holocaust before they result in tragedy. How else could we avoid the doom of repeating it?
I named my non-profit the Informed Consent Action Network(IcanDecide.org) based on the first principle of the Nuremberg Code, Informed Consent. It states: (In medicine) the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
The Nuremberg Code is a set of 10 principles of medical ethics compiled by the war crimes tribunal that convicted Nazi doctors during the Nuremberg Trial. It established a minimum standard of ethical medical behavior for the post-World War II human rights era. The goal was to ensure that no innocent human being would ever again be forced or coerced into a medical procedure or experiment.
If ever there was a tripwire set to signal the moment a free society was sliding in a dangerous direction, it is this document written in the blood and tears of the millions of lives lost in the Holocaust. If the breaking of the Nuremberg Code does not trigger a reflection upon the Holocaust, then what on this earth ever should?
President Joe Biden has broken the Nuremberg Code by avoiding Congress and using executive powers to mandate the Covid vaccine on federal employees, health care workers, and employees of companies employing more than one hundred people. In this historic move, the U.S. government has removed the right to say "no" without punitive consequences, like losing one's job and the ability to feed one's family. This is a clear violation of the word, if not the spirit of what the Holocaust is supposed to remind us should never occur.
I realize that it seems a trivial issue to many who have grown accustomed to receiving vaccinations without thought or concern. But just because one person does not exercise their right to be informed does not mean that we have all relinquished our right to Informed Consent.
If the majority of a population has a faith-based, religious type belief that all vaccines are safe and could never do any harm (despite the fact they are made by the same pharmaceutical industry that often pays billions in damages for death and injury from their products), does this mean the minority, who articulate glaring evidence-based concerns, should be robbed of their voice?
Prior to the Warp Speed Covid Vaccine Development program instituted by President Donald Trump, every attempt at a coronavirus vaccine over nearly two decades ended badly during the animal trials. It is well documented that the vaccines' caused a catastrophic side effect known as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement or Vaccine-enhanced Disease. This means that somehow (scientists aren't exactly sure how), the vaccines were not protecting the animals but were, in fact, enhancing the disease and increasing the animal's risk of severe infection and death.
One would like to have faith that the FDA made sure that the rushed trials for the Covid vaccines ruled out this potentially deadly side effect that occurred in every single animal trial prior to recommending it for the citizens of America.
Unfortunately, that's not the case. Just read the FDA's Emergency Use Authorization where they reference this phenomenon:
"… risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown and needs to be evaluated further in ongoing clinical trials and in observational studies that could be conducted following authorization and/or licensure."
(pg51) https://www.fda.gov/media/153912/download
Simply put, the FDA recognizes there is a potentially deadly side effect of these Covid vaccines that occurred in all of the animal trials. These side effects have not been ruled out in the current Covid human trials. And now, more than 200 million Americans have received them. Keep those fingers crossed!
Israel is one of the most vaccinated nations in the world. That's because their government made a deal with Pfizer to permit the nation to be observed as a giant test group for the vaccine. Those observations have led to some shocking realizations, including but not limited to an alarming rise in vaccine-induced Cardiac Adverse Events (CAE) documented among young boys:
"For boys 12-15 without medical comorbidities receiving their second mRNA vaccination dose, the rate of CAE is 3.7 to 6.1 times higher than their 120 day Covid-19 hospitalization risk."
This means that boys are up to 600% more likely to suffer a heart condition known as Myocarditis from the vaccine than they are to be hospitalized by the natural virus. Never before has it been so easy to prove that a vaccine poses a higher risk than the disease itself. Yet still, the CDC decided to recommend the vaccine to children across America, and states like California are seeking to make it mandatory to receive an education in a public or private school.
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, which is the official vaccine injury capture system in the U.S., has already received over 20,000 reports of death from the Covid vaccines since they were rolled out just over a year ago. This exceeds the combined total of all deaths reported for every vaccine since the birth of the VAERS system in 1986.
The media loves to discount the validity of the VAERS data. This is because the CDC claims that this data collection system that they built is unreliable. What they fail to tell anyone is that multiple investigations of the VAERS system have determined that it is unreliable because it is under-reporting. There are no studies that have shown VAERS to be over-reporting.
Harvard Medical School determined after its investigation of VAERS: "fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported". If Harvard medical school is right, then 20,000 deaths shouldn't be ignored; it should be viewed as the tip of the iceberg.
There were several world-renowned scientists who spoke at the 'Defeat The Mandates' event, including the most published heart specialist in the world, Dr. Peter McCullough, and the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone. Both of these great and brave iconoclasts have been traveling the world, warning of many issues with the Covid vaccine, including two that I have already described: Vaccine-enhanced disease and vaccine-induced Myocarditis, which often leads to early death.
The government does not want its constituents to hear the warnings of these esteemed detractors. They have made fervent calls for censorship, which have led to the removal of many of Malone's and McCullough's interviews from the internet.
The censorship of dissenting voices, especially those of decorated scientists, is clearly a milestone in the progression towards the Holocaust. Are we to refrain from this comparison also?
If there is one topic that has been unceremoniously stripped of the protections of free speech, it's any reference to the use of repurposed drugs in the treatment of Sars Cov 2. Several doctors, like Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, who stood on stage at the 'Defeat the Mandates' rally, have been censored for discussing or fired for using repurposed drugs to treat Covid. These treatments include but are not limited to Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and Fluvoxamine.
Dr. Marik, who is the second most published ICU doctor in the world, was treating high-risk patients in his ICU with a 50% higher rate of success than his peers. Instead of asking Dr. Marik to teach his peers the life-saving methods he was using, his hospital ordered him to stop using the effective repurposed drugs and switch to the failed Ebola drug Remdesivir. This mandate was based on national recommendations developed by Tony Fauci and other bureaucrats at HHS.
At a recent Senate hearing hosted by Senator Ron Johnson, Dr. Marik was emotional as he described feeling helpless as the new treatment protocol forced him to watch his patients die as he was barred from using treatments that he knew could save them.
The worldwide body of studies that prove the effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin overwhelms the smattering of questionable studies that deny their effectiveness. Conversely, the body of studies that prove the ineffectiveness and toxic effects of Remdesivir overwhelm the single study that was conducted by the drug's manufacturer. That single study is under investigation because of what appears to be a fraudulent change in sample size and endpoints in the middle of the study.
It is important to note that the Remdesivir Ebola trials were stopped short because the drug increased the risk of kidney failure and proved to be too toxic for the Ebola trial participants. It is also important to note that Remdesivir costs three thousand dollars per treatment and delivers a 20% government bonus to the overall bill for the hospital. HCQ and Ivermectin cost a few dollars, and the hospital receives no government incentives.
Dr. Robert Malone, who is also a pioneer in the investigation of repurposed drugs, has stated that the restriction of the use of repurposed drugs by Anthony Fauci and the U.S. health agencies has resulted in the death of 500,000 of the nearly 900,000 who have died from Covid. If Dr. Malone is correct and the body of science supports his perspective, then we may be witnessing one of the greatest atrocities of the modern world.
There are strange and unsettling similarities with Anthony Fauci's handling of the AIDS epidemic. In that crisis, Anthony Fauci denied access to the repurposed drugs that doctors were having success with, which led to an underground black market for treatments, as depicted in the Oscar-winning film Dallas Buyers Club. Fauci instead put his support behind the failed cancer drug AZT, which had proven to be more toxic than chemotherapy.
No matter what anyone's opinion is of Tony Fauci, he certainly should not be allowed to interfere with the sacred doctor-patient relationship. When bureaucrats begin making treatment decisions, we are all at risk of being robbed of individualized care. This is the cornerstone of the Hippocratic Oath – First Do No Harm.
Only a patient's doctor carries the full understanding of their unique medical history and is fully responsible for the results that they achieve with their patient. Any attempt by a government to interfere with this relationship should be cause for the highest level of concern and scrutiny.
A recent headline from NBC reads, "Hospital Patient Without Covid Vaccination Denied Heart Transplant." The article explains that DJ Ferguson, a thirty-one-year-old father of two, is being denied a heart transplant because he refuses to take a Covid vaccine. A vaccine that, by the CDC's own admission, does not stop infection or transmission against the current Omicron variant and increases the risk of Cardiac Adverse Events, as has been discussed.
We have been told that everyone needs to be vaccinated in order to protect those who are too sick to receive a vaccine. If a man on his death bed with a failing heart is not too sick to avoid a vaccine, who is?
We are now bearing witness to a minority group—call them anti-vaxxers if the pejorative helps make you feel entitled to hate—being denied life-saving treatments because of their beliefs.
Would the headline be less palatable if it read "Lifelong Smoker Denied Lung Transplant" or "Alcoholic Denied Liver Transplant" or "Obese Person Denied Diabetes Medication"? The answer is no. Even self-inflicted health problems have never rendered a person undeserving of proper medical care. What if the headline read "Anti-Vax Rabbi Denied Heart Transplant For Believing He Is Created In The Image Of God"?
Has this not gone too far? Is it not time to reflect on other moments in history when our humanity was lost as a collective body?
There are internment camps being used in Australia to imprison people who test positive for Covid. The PCR tests being used are known by everyone in science to be prone to false positives. Thus, the likelihood of false imprisonment is high. These camps and high-security hotels are in various stages of development and execution all over the world. Are we really supposed to sit by idly while these horrifying milestones of the Holocaust are pouring their foundations?
A recent Rasmussen Poll reported: Forty-Five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a Covid-19 vaccine.
The poll went on: Twenty-Nine percent (29%) of Democratic Voters would support temporarily removing parents' custody of their children if parents refuse to take the Covid-19 vaccine.
And then there is my favorite: Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think the federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing Covid-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications. Didn't they get the memo? The vaccine is not efficacious against omicron!
The level of hatred required to champion imprisonment, child abduction, and arrest of those who have a belief system you don't understand must be called out and revealed for what it is. Even those who allow this rhetoric to exist should be held accountable.
Need we be reminded of the famous poem by Marin Niemoller?
First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
The New York Post attempted to incite the fear and rage of its readers by writing in their article about the 'Defeat The Mandates' Event, "Del Bigtree, CEO of the anti-vaccination group Informed Consent Action Network, invoked the mass murder to threaten journalists and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci." It quoted a line from my speech, "Unlike the Nuremberg Trials that only tried the doctors that destroyed the lives of those human beings, we're going to come after the press…"
The pathetic attempt to spin my discussion of the Nuremberg Code and the trials that inspired the document as an affront to the history of the Holocaust is patently absurd.
There is no way to discuss a breach of the Nuremberg Code without referencing the origin of the document. The Nuremberg Trial, by its very nature, leads to discussions of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. They are, in fact, intertwined.
So, whether we like it or not, President Biden's mandates, Tony Fauci's interference with proven medical treatments, mainstream media's ceaseless promotion of experimental and deadly products developed by their advertising sponsors, and medical institutions' systemic denial of life saving medical care, force us to discuss the Nuremberg Code and all that comes with it.
My non-profit, ICAN, has utilized the courts to successfully win lawsuits against government health agencies NIH, CDC, FDA, and HHS. Through our work, we have revealed many inconsistencies in the government's vaccine narrative. We will continue to mount cases against any person or institution that has knowingly put people in harm's way or falsely advertised products that were known to be dangerous. Is protecting the good of the people through the court system somehow a threat?
No. It's a promise.
I have not laid bare one comparable milestone on the path to inhumanity, I have listed many. I could list dozens more. But plainly stated, in the current climate, if you support the forced injection of products into your body by the government, you are treated with favoritism and allowed to move about freely. If you believe that the government does not own your body or the bodies of your children, and therefore has no right to forcibly inject you with anything, you are remanded to a world of diminishing freedoms, segregation, and media-inspired hatred.
I began writing this article on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On that day, I had conversations with my wife and children about the atrocities that occurred during World War II. As this was the anniversary of the day that Auschwitz was liberated, we discussed how this horror finally came to an end. But equally as important, we discussed how the Holocaust began.
I realize that there are those whose sensitivity leads them to believe the Holocaust should be kept under lock and key deep in the catacombs of world history. But I believe that is the way we forget our past. Instead, I prefer to keep the history book open to the page the Holocaust is written on, at the forefront of our comparative mind, so that we may never forget what human beings are capable of when they allow themselves to hate those they do not understand.
This ought to be on the front page of every newspaper worldwide! How anyone could read these words & find disagreement is beyond my ability to comprehend. They are as clear & evident as the sun, moon & stars in the sky.
I support icandecide.org monthly & hope everyone reading this will consider doing so, also.
Bless all of those standing strong against lies & corruption, with the strength to carry on, despite the attacks & obstacles.
Like Del's parents, I also chose not to vaccinate, 'way back' in 1978. I am not a newcomer to the issue. I've watched in horror as the tactics of other past authoritarian regimes started to creep into the "land of the free." I read many books by others who were expressing the same concerns.
Because of Del & many other brave humans who were willing to risk all & climb out on that limb, WE are no longer a "fringe minority with unacceptable views."
WE ARE an ever-growing chorus whose song is reverberating around the world carried by the frequency of LOVE. Keep singing!
In Gratitude......
Welcome to Substack Del! So glad to see you here. Let's just always remember there must be justice sought for all of the crimes against humanity. We cannot claim a win and just move along as if everything is back to normal even if it seems we might have a small victory here or there. Just because the powers that be see people rising up and have decided to tap the brakes let it not be their out to escape justice. They have harmed billions of people and even generations to come so this must be addressed and they all must face trials and justice.