ICAN State Of The Union Response
Delivered 3/1/22 https://thehighwire.com/videos/ican-ceo-delivers-key-state-of-the-union-response/
We have just heard President Biden deliver his State of the Union Address on this day, March 1st of the year 2022. In his address he presented the “official narrative” which seeks to re-write the disastrous mishandling of the Covid Pandemic, with a contrived and arbitrary declaration of victory.
After two years of government cover-ups, incompetence, and bad faith, the American people are not buying the official narrative anymore. We know that our lived experience bears no resemblance to the official pronouncements that come out of Washington D.C. Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that the U.S. is on the wrong track.
So here at the Informed Consent Action Network we decided to take this opportunity to deliver the The Actual State of the Union, at least as it pertains to our God given right to medical freedom.
The past two years have upended the most basic rights and liberties that form the bedrock of this nation. In the face of a new and novel virus, we have been forced to endure school closures, lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, and an unending stream of propaganda from our government and the pharmaceutical industry. Billionaires of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big box stores have gotten richer while small businesses and hard-working citizens have filed for bankruptcy across our nation. At nearly every step along the way, each response by the federal government has made things even worse.
There is a large body of evidence that suggests that SAR-CoV-2 began as gain-of-function research in a lab in Wuhan, China that received funding from Tony Fauci at NIAID a division of the National Institute of Health. Those who pointed this out were shouted down, censored, and de-platformed as part of a coordinated campaign that included Tony Fauci and the head of the NIH, Francis Collins. Fauci is still employed by the federal government and advises President Biden on the pandemic.
Hospitals used the wrong protocols. Patients who sought early treatment were turned away even though early treatment in all disease is the key to success. Almost 90% of Covid patients who were put on ventilators died. Remdesivir is a disaster. Two years later, hospitals continue to use the wrong protocols.
Instead of focusing on protecting the vulnerable, states (including MA, NJ, NY, CT, CA, PA, MI, and IL) that followed the CDC’s recommendation to put Covid positive patients back in nursing homes, in the misguided attempt to "preserve hospital capacity," saw astronomical levels of preventable death amongst their senior citizen populations.
At ICAN and our educational production the Highwire we warned from the beginning that lockdowns would cause more harms than benefits. A recent study by Johns Hopkins University confirms that we were right.
President Biden promised to "follow the science(TM)." But he has not. The body of international scientific evidence is unwavering in its determination that masks, lockdowns, Covid vaccines, and other social distancing guidelines including but not limited to “Standing in a restaurant without a mask BAD, sitting in a restaurant without a mask GOOD”. Yet, President Biden continues to promote these failed measures through a tangled mess of confused dictates, mandates and recommendations.
About twenty existing treatments have shown promise in treating Covid, especially if used early. Our government agencies including FDA, CDC, and NIH have undermined the litany of real-world studies that support the use of these re-purposed and historically safe drugs while choosing to support expensive, experimental drugs. To make matters worse these agencies set out on a course to actively block hospitals, doctors, and pharmacies from using the very products that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives in America and millions around the world.
Under President Biden, government and corporations are engaged in surveillance and censorship that go well beyond the ugliest days of McCarthyism. The President, Surgeon General, and Press Secretary waste valuable time and increase polarization by calling for even more censorship of the very critical thinkers that time has revealed were correct about the pandemic from the beginning. The White House, mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry are now the most egregious sources of misinformation on earth.
Many states and cities under Democratic control have returned to segregation in ways that are reminiscent of Jim Crow. Vaccine mandates, show-me-your-papers laws, and digital vaccine passports sort society into two classes and deny the full rights of citizenship to anyone who fails to obey the profit-driven dictates of the pharmaceutical industry. This has disproportionately disenfranchised the young and racial/ethnic minorities who are rightly skeptical of these experimental vaccines.
Firing doctors, nurses, soldiers, fire fighters, police officers, and other workers for refusing these rushed experimental Covid shots has been catastrophic for the well-being of all Americans and the social and economic infrastructure of our beautiful cities. This is the largest politically motivated purge of critical thinkers in U.S. history. Purging talented workers also creates labor shortages and bottlenecks that add to inflation.
This past year was a test of two very different theories of government:
Tony Fauci demanded that the U.S. centralize everything in the hands of a few captured bureaucrats, most of whom were never elected by the people. The results were abysmal. The U.S. has 4% of the world’s population and 15% of the world’s coronavirus fatalities. In every instance, Fauci and his followers put the profits of the pharmaceutical industry ahead of the health of the American people. Their results attest for themselves.
By contrast the independent doctors at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance(FLCCC) followed the actual science, not Pharma press releases. Through international scientific collaboration they developed protocols using historically safe re-purposed drugs that have resulted in a 50-75% reduction in Covid deaths among their patients. Like most Americans, we would much rather have the one-million actively licensed doctors in the U.S. applying their independent judgement to solving the medical challenges of this pandemic than a handful of captured bureaucrats in D.C.
There is a better way forward. And so we are calling on President Biden to do the following:
1. It is time to Clean house. Fire Tony Fauci and appoint a truly bipartisan commission to investigate the origins of coronavirus. Fire Rochelle Walensky and build a team of independent experts that are free from Pharma ties and other conflicts of interest, that adhere to the scientific method which celebrates dissenting voices as the pathway to fresh new perspectives and solutions.
2. Respect the Constitutional right to bodily autonomy by removing ALL vaccine mandates. If we do not have control over our own bodies and the bodies of our children than we are not citizens but rather property of our government. There is no reading of America’s founding documents that can make this an acceptable reality. And therefore we call on President Biden to immediately rehire all workers who were fired for refusing to comply with these unjust mandates.
3. Put an end to the censorship! All common carriers including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube must respect the First Amendment and stop censoring dissenting voices at the behest or encouragement of the government. Accounts that were de-platformed during the pandemic must be restored.
4. Follow the science. The Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J coronavirus vaccines appear to have caused more harm in the last 16 months than all vaccines combined over the last thirty years. These dangerous products must be removed from the market immediately.
5. Make safe and effective treatments available without a prescription. These treatments should be available over the counter immediately.
6. Let doctors be doctors. The federal government should get out of the way and let doctors treat Covid according to their training and best judgement. No government bureaucrat should ever come between a citizen and his/her doctor ever again.
7. Let parents be parents. Only parents know what's best for their kids — not government bureaucrats, not "pop up" clinics, not school boards.
8. Let kids be kids. Masks and vaccines should never be required in order to get an education. Stop treating kids like human shields that can be sacrificed in the name of protecting old people.
And above all, let's get back to being Americans again. Statism and centralized control do NOT work and they have never been the American way. We do NOT need a Great Reset. We will NOT defer to the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, nor the jet-setters at Davos. The captured bureaucrats in D.C. do NOT know best.
The founders of this country envisioned a country where we the people are in charge. The American system of government was designed to foster decentralized and independent decision-making. America is the best nation on earth when we respect difference, encourage debate, and allow competition in the marketplace of ideas.
We must return to the values woven into our Constitution and affirm the First Amendment right to free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly; the Fourth Amendment right to be secure in our persons; and the Fourteenth Amendment right to equal protection under the law.
While the federal response has been a shambles, at the state level many governors, legislators, and attorneys general have stepped up to protect civil liberties while implementing a pandemic response based on actual science and respect for civil liberties.
We have been deeply moved by the courage of individual scientists, doctors, and nurses across the country who have risked everything to tell the truth and provide the best care to their patients.
And we are inspired by the bravery of individual citizens who have spoken out, supported each other, and held the line against tyranny.
When we are true to our values, Americans have shown time and time again that we can solve any problems thrown our way.
Our best days as a nation are ahead. This crisis reminded us of who we are and what we believe. So let's do what we do best as Americans — innovate, create, solve problems — and above all love and honor one another.
May God bless you, your family, and the United States of America.
Bravo, Del! 👏 If only we had someone as sensible, ethical, and knowledgeable as you in office.
I have been writing about pretty much all of these topics over the course of this mass deception/coercion/depopulation campaign, from hospicide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis) to masking (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority) to mandatory school injections (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board) to the violation of bodily autonomy (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department) to the corruption of human rights laws (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-uk-government) to democide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) to tyranny (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant) to collusion (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) to inculcation (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel) to censorship (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front) to the smearing of ivermectin (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded) to propaganda (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized).
I especially appreciate your emphasis on *solutions*, which is what great leaders used to do instead of inflaming panic and triggering terror.
We need to cut out the rot that is regulatory capture and implement/enforce conflict of interest laws to prevent such lethal corruption from ever occurring again. The perpetrators must be tried and punished for crimes against humanity, and the complicit agencies need to either be abolished altogether or completely reconstructed to incentivize positive health outcomes instead of negative ones. The list goes on and on, but what you’ve provided is a stellar foundation for the restoration of sane public health policies in America and beyond.
Great ideas- talked about for months now. How do we get there? They have trillions of our tax dollars working for them, there’s voter fraud on a large scale. And the elephant in the room: we can’t wait 2+ years. We need more drastic action.